Sunday, December 16, 2012

Newest Kiva Loans

Amazing how fast the repayments can come in.

We are now able to start a new loan from the repayments

So here she is

Ayisha is married and has four children. All go to school except the youngest who is three months old. She usually sells shirts for men and skirts for ladies. She has spent six years in the business. With the loan, she wants to add more shirts and skirts to sell.
PK painted the cards for Papa's Christmas concert. With the money he was paid for doing the cards we were able to fund a new loan.
Abraham is a carpenter in Mombasa. He has been in this business for the last nine years and he is doing great. He is requesting a second loan to purchase timber for making more furniture. He hopes to use the anticipated profit to repay his loan, after successfully repaying the first loan. He hopes to own a bigger workshop in the future.

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